Games of the Powerful Read online

Page 5


  When the alarm klaxon went off those in the mess hall began an orderly exodus to reach their battle stations. Most were irritated that their meal was so rudely interrupted thinking it is another drill. When the shipboard laser cannons began firing and the ship started taking hits they quickly went from irritation at the loss of their meal and free time to consternation and fear. Trembling from the continual laser cannon fire and the attacks made against it the ships emergency computer information system began blaring damage reports as explosions rocked the ship.

  “Mitch did you hear that? Hanger bay Delta 10 is destroyed and the blast doors are closed we can’t get to our fighters,” Danielle yelled running alongside Mitch and Ethan.

  Suddenly, a blast of blackness tore through the corridor in front of them shredding metal and killing dozens of people. The blast doors slammed closed cutting them off from the horrible view of the death and destruction ensuing in the corridor before them. “Follow me,” Mitch yelled. Picking himself off the floor, he ran down a side corridor. The ship is dying he could feel it and he knew on his heart he would avenge her or die trying.

  “Where are we going Mitch? Do you have a plan?” Ethan asked while running alongside him down the deserted corridor.

  “We are heading to Delta 15 if it is still there. We are going to take a 212 for a spin and see whether we can take it to whoever is attacking us.”

  “Mitch your nuts you never flown one before,” Danielle exclaimed.

  “How hard can it be Danielle?”

  “Hard enough that you can get us killed!”

  “It is certainly better than staying here and dying,” Ethan yelled.

  Another nearby explosion suddenly slammed them to the floor. Helping each other up, they ran into hanger bay Delta 15. Fortunately, the hanger bay shields were still functioning and the blast doors were still open. All the F/A-212 fighter-bombers had cleared the hanger except one. They stopped as one and stared out in space at a site that froze them to their bones.